Consent to Disclose Personal Information Form HiddenConsent To Disclose Personal InformationIn accordance with the Big Brothers Big Sisters of London and Area’s (BBBSOLA) Confidentiality Policy, anyone who makes a request to our agency to disclose personally identifiable information to a third party for purposes such as a reference check or a credit check must complete this consent form. BBBSOLA will only disclose the type of information that the individual making the request has agreed upon as indicated below on this consent form. BBBSOLA will retain an electronic copy of this consent form in accordance with our retention guidelines and applicable legislative requirements.In accordance with the Big Brothers Big Sisters of London and Area's (BBBSOLA) Privacy and Confidentiality Policy, anyone who makes a request to our agency to disclose personally identifiable information to a third party for purposes such as a reference check or a credit check must complete this consent form. BBBSOLA will only disclose the type of information that the individual making the request has agreed upon as indicated below on this consent form. BBBSOLA will retain an electronic copy of this consent form in accordance with our retention guidelines and applicable legislative requirements.I give consent to BBBSOLA to disclose my personal information to: I give consent to BBBSOLA to disclose the following personal information: Duration of my involvement with BBBSOLA Information regarding my attendance as expected by BBBSOLA Information regarding my performance as expected by BBBSOLA Other information that we have not thought of. Please list: I have received, read and understand the purpose of this consent form. I will ask questions if I am unclear and need more information.Name First Last Date MM slash DD slash YYYY SignatureFor verification purposes By clicking Submit, I consent to the collection of this personal information in accordance with Big Brothers Big Sisters of London and Area's Privacy and Confidentiality Policy. Facebook Google+ LinkedIn