Matching Considerations Form – ISM Matching Considerations - ISM Name Transportation (car/bus list bus routes) (leaving from home or school) Availability (be as specific as possible, take into consideration transportation time) Potential Match End Date (April/June) Circle the description below that best fits your activity level.PassiveModerateActiveDescribe why the above is the best activity level for you Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? List some activities you would like to do with a mentee Add RemoveDescription of personality (ex. quiet, excited, talkative, thoughtful etc.) Identify characteristics of a mentee for your match (age group, personality, activity level, strengths, and needs) What characteristics in a mentee would discourage you (age group, personality, exceptionality)? What age group would you be comfortable mentoring?grade 1-3grade 4-6grade 7-8Are you open to being matched with another gender? What was your impression of training? (content covered, preparedness to mentor, questions/concerns)? Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn