Scholarship Recipients

• Provide complete information about one’s post-secondary education • Ask questions to ensure an understanding of the scholarship, expectation/responsibilities and post-secondary program requirements • Show respect to Scholarship Coordinator and staff • Demonstrate a positive work ethic and attitude towards your academic endeavours • Achieve the minimum academic requirements of your program • Reschedule/cancel an appointment with Scholarship Coordinator in a timely manner • Promptly notify Scholarship Coordinator of upcoming fees associated with post-secondary school so that things can be paid on time • If additional supports are required during your post-secondary education, make contact on campus as soon as possible, to create support network. For example IEP. • Inform Scholarship Coordinator if changes need to be made to academic program, course load or anything regarding your academic study • Write a yearly update letter to our donor Ralph

Scholarship Coordinator

• Complete check-ins with students to ensure they have the appropriate supports in place to be successful • Provide support and help connect to resources where appropriate • Show respect to scholarship recipients and their families • Make sure that payments are made on time to post secondary institutions • Update donor on student progress and obtain feedback when necessary for student success
Scholarship Student(Required)