Volunteer at Rock the Park!

One of our most fun volunteer opportunities is back for 2025! We need your help again at Rock the Park by selling drink tickets, handling and serving beverages and being a part of Rock the Park’s clean-up crew.

Please fill out the registration form below to sign up. If you have any friends or family members that might want to join you, please let them know!

Thanks and we hope to see you again this year at Rock the Park!

PS. If you received your Smart Serve certification prior to 2020, you will need to re-certify before the event as it is now expired.

"*" indicates required fields

What dates are you available? Shifts run from 3:00-11:30 PM (Select all that apply)*
What position would you like to volunteer for? (Select all that apply)*
Are you Smart Serve certified? Please note that if you received your Smart Serve certification prior to 2020 it is expired and you will need to re-certify.*
Are you a returning volunteer?*
What is your T-shirt size?*
By clicking Submit, I consent to the collection of this personal information in accordance with Big Brothers Big Sisters of London and Area's Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.