July’s Big of the Month is Amanda Salter



Amanda was matched with Gabby 11 years ago, just before starting university at King’s University College, where she completed her undergrad and masters in Social Work. Recently, she started her own counselling practice, while balancing the responsibilities of being a mom to her 10-month-old baby, a new phase of life she has been able to share with Gabby.

Over the years, they’ve made countless incredible memories together, such as trips to Niagara Falls and the Science Centre. One of their proudest moments was winning the BBBSOLA Amazing Race competition in downtown London many years ago. This match allowed Gabby to participate in many activities she wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise. The most remarkable aspect of their match is the way they’ve grown up together. Their relationship has come full circle, as Gabby is now almost the age Amanda was when they were matched, and she’s about to embark on her journey to university.

Back in 2012, Amanda wanted to volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters because of her love of volunteer work and working with others, as well as her interest in the field of social work, “I knew it would be a fun experience spending time with Gabby when she was little, but it has been so incredible for our match to turn into a lifelong relationship”.

Thank you Amanda for your dedication to our program, and to your mentee. Your influence has had, and will continue to have an amazing impact on Gabby’s life!