Rick Chenier is April’s Big of the Month!



April’s Big of the Month is Rick Chenier!

Rick was selected because of his long-term commitment to both his Little and our organization – he has been matched with Patric for almost seven years. Now that’s a BIG deal!

Rick first heard about our programs when he was a young boy. He recalls being bored at home on a Saturday and seeing a Big Brothers commercial on TV. He remembers thinking to himself how great it would be to become a Big someday.

After raising his own two sons, Rick did just that and was matched with Patric. Their match is described by their mentoring coordinator as “awesome.” This awesome match is a result of Rick prioritizing his Little by making time for him week after week, year after year.

Over the course of their match, Rick has watched Patric flourish. He says that dedicating the time and space for Patric and planning activities just for him has improved his confidence and maturity tremendously.

Rick’s favourite part of being Patric’s Big has been the opportunity to spend time with a young person and share in their excitement of discovering and experiencing new things together.

Thank you Rick for being a wonderful Big and friend to Patric for so many years. Your commitment is an inspiration to us all.