Big Brothers Big Sisters of London and Area want to give a huge thank you to United Way Elgin Middlesex for their support through the Local Love in a Global Crisis fund that was created in response to COVID-19.
This funding is enabling our organization to continue to provide the vital, life-changing mentoring relationships that we are known for. We’re able to take our programs online to help address the increased social isolation that our community’s most vulnerable children and youth are facing during this pandemic. We are excited to be using this grant to equip our staff with the proper infrastructure to support our matches virtually during this difficult time.
As an example, here is one of our matches playing an NHL video game together from their own homes. One of our mentoring coordinators was talking to Little Brother, Skyler, and he said he and his Big Sister, Kim, talk together on their headsets while they play video games. They also made this picture together through Photoshop to share with everyone how they are keeping in touch.

Thank you again to United Way Elgin Middlesex for helping us protect our young people from the lasting and harmful effects of adversity and social isolation during this time! Together we can keep kids connected!